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Covid-19 Information

What will School look like at Alert Level 2? 

Please note that these procedures have been developed with the safety of staff and students in mind. Under Alert Level 2 we will continue to follow the guidelines set out in the Pandemic Plan but will continue to manage the areas identified below. We have chosen to control the controllable rather than return all aspects of school back to normal. For this reason we have chosen to continue to limit all non-essential curriculum activity both in and outside of school. While I know many of you will be anxious at this time, we will ensure that school is the safest possible place for your children to be outside of your family bubbles. At all times we will be following the most up to date advice from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health.


  • School will start at 8.50am,  

  • Morning Tea 10.30-11.00,  

  • Middle block 11.00 - 12.30, 

  • Lunch 12.30 - 1.30, 

  • Afternoon learning block 1.30- 2.40pm  (please note the earlier finish)

Children will have their temperature taken, and contact details checked.  It is vitally important we are able to track and trace.  We also need to ensure a child will be able to go home if feeling unwell. If we do not have correct details then the child will need to return home, and it will require parents to register with the office for their return.  Children will also leave the school via the gate best suit for their immediate return home.

We ask Parents drop students at the gates - DO NOT drive into the school grounds.

Parents please ensure uniforms are washed regularly.  We recommend you send your child to school with their own bar of soap and we will supply a zip lock bag and name for them. However the toilets will have soap in them.


At Pick-up and Drop-off

Staffing Class Bubbles

Under Alert Level 2 hand sanitiser will be provided in every classroom. Hand sanitiser stations will be set up at the designated entry and exit points of each classroom and Students and Staff will use this as they enter or exit a room. 


Additional disinfectant/cloth will be available in classrooms for children and teachers to sanitise spaces throughout the school day as required. 


Students will have their own stationery.  Devices will be shared but there will be a sanitising process in place.

Under Alert Level 2 parents and caregivers will not be allowed on site.  We wish to encourage a drop off and pick up only approach to restrict the number of ‘adults on-site’. Fortunately our children don’t need to be dropped at their classroom.


Please be respectful of this as it is the ‘most likely’ chance of Covid-19 entering the school grounds. 


Students will not be allowed to enter before 8:30am. 


If you need to come on site please email or phone the school office.  078867687 or, 02108496221.

You will be asked to register at the office.

There is no bubble concept at Alert Level 2 so there are no restrictions on groups of students mixing with others on site. 

Physical Distancing – Physical distancing is a good precaution to prevent the spread of disease. 


Children, young people and staff should be far enough away from each other so that they are not breathing on or touching each other, coupled with good hygiene practices and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. There does not need to be a specific measurement but where practicable 1 metre should be used as a guide, particularly between adults.


Children who leave their classroom consistently without ^ during class time will be sent home.

Staffroom Bubble

Staff are expected to maintain a minimum of 1m physical distance at all times including in the staffroom. 


Paper Cups, wooden stirrers  etc.are  to be used and any crockery will be  personally handled into the dishwasher.  One person will unpack after following sanitised protocols.


Soap and sanitiser will be provided in the staffroom. Disinfectant/wipes available to be used on shared keypads (e.g. photocopier and alarm).

In the Playground

Physical education classes and break time activities can include access to sports equipment including playgrounds but hygiene practice should be observed before and after playing with equipment. There will also be regular cleaning of shared equipment such as balls, sticks etc.


The tuckshop will be open, with social distancing when lining up.


The adventure playground will be closed until further notice.


Drinking fountains will remain turned off. Students will need a named drink bottle at school at all times.  We can provide a bottle if you do not have one at home.

Managing Attendance

Students and Staff will not attend if they are unwell. Students and Staff who become unwell during the school day will be sent home and a Covid-19 swab and result will be required before they return to school (this is in line with National Guidelines). 


In schools our contact tracing is a combination of timetable, attendance register and visitor register. These provide good information to health authorities if they need to contact people that might be considered a close contact of a confirmed case, and determine whether they will need to self-isolate.

This includes recording who the adults on-site are in close contact with as well as recording any visitors to the site, including parents and caregivers.

Cleaning and Hygiene

There will be one in one out for the toilets and these will be cleaned regularly. Students and Staff will use hand sanitiser when opening and closing all doors. 


Cleaners will complete daily cleans in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines.


In an Alert Level 2 we will continue to model good hygiene practices (coughing into your elbow, handwashing and drying) and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.

In the Playground

We have chosen to continue to limit all non-essential curriculum activity both in and outside of school.

  • No School Assemblies for the remainder of Term 2. There maybe cluster assemblies 

  • Sports will be coordinated to ensure no large gatherings

  • Technology will continue as the classes are smaller

  • Library will be online (Click and Collect Service) Books placed outside the library for pickup


 Students will need to leave via the gate that will take them straight home.

Managing Attendance

When students return to school in Alert Level 2 their wellbeing will be our number one priority before any academic learning and assessment takes place. 


We will share a more detailed plan for how we will report in due course, but there will be no Mid-Year Report in Term 2. Teachers will use this time to gather up to date information and evidence to help them make informed decisions of their classes' next steps and identify individual learning goals.

“Constructive change in a time of change” - quoted by Mrs Moon

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